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What causes outlets to stop working?

Mister Sparky Electrician Tech, Mike, speaking with a homeowner at her kitchen table in Fort MyersIt is necessary for the electrical outlets in your home to maintain their ability to function properly. Consider for a moment all the different things that your electrical outlets provide power for; everything from your major appliances to the cord you use to charge your phone rely upon functional outlets.

When even one of your Fort Myers, FL, outlets stop working, it can make your life less convenient and may leave you looking for a professional electrician to set things right.

What Are the Most Common Causes of an Outlet Failure?

Let us begin by pointing out that an electrical outlet failure should always be addressed right away. Although it might be nothing more than a tripped circuit breaker, it could also be a much more serious issue that will eventually lead to a catastrophic electrical fire.

You Have a Tripped Circuit Breaker

The first thing you should do when you notice that an outlet isn’t working is check your circuit breaker. It is quite common for a tripped breaker to cause one or more power outlets to stop functioning. Fortunately, as soon as you flip the breaker switch back to the ‘on’ position, power should start flowing again. If this is a rare occurrence, it’s probably nothing to worry about. However, if your circuit breaker begins to trip on a regular basis, you should have an electrician take a look at it.

You’ve Blown a Fuse

Another common issue is that your fuse might have blown. To see if this is the case, begin by looking for the main indicators of a blown fuse such as melted metal or discolored glass. If you determine you need a new fuse, be sure to replace it with an identical fuse.

Your GFCI Outlet Has Tripped

Most bathrooms and kitchens will utilize a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) outlet to keep you safe. Anytime your GFCI detects a short, it will immediately shut itself off. To restore power, simply hit the reset button. As long as it comes back on, your worries are over! Please note, though, that your GFCI should not constantly trip. If it does, bring in an expert electrician to look for the underlying issue.

Your Outlet Has Become Burned Out

It is surprisingly common for an outlet to become burned out. This happens due to the strong electrical current that is running through your outlet causing a minor fire. You typically won’t see the fire as it happens inside the outlet’s wiring. It is more than enough to make your outlet stop working, though.

If you suspect your outlet has burned out, be sure to check the area around it for any signs of a fire such as blackening around the power outlet. If you notice anything, contact the professional team at Mister Sparky immediately. Never leave a burned-out outlet in place.

Your Half-Out Outlet Got Turned Off

Some people have half-out outlets that allow them to turn the power off or on to half of their home. The thinking behind these outlets is that they can save you a lot of money on passive electricity. For example, even if you’re not currently charging a phone with your phone charger, it still draws a bit of power when it’s plugged in. If part of your home doesn’t seem to have power, check your half-out outlet to ensure it hasn’t simply been turned off.

There is a Loose Connection

Ensure you always take the time to turn off your circuit breaker when it’s time to check for a loose connection. Once this process is done, you can unscrew your outlet and pull it away two to three inches from your wall. Do any of the wires inside appear to be loose? If so, you must take care of the problem right away. This is a fire hazard, so don’t wait! If you’re not able to tighten the connection on your own, or if it doesn’t fix your outlet issue, contact an electrician immediately.

Your Outlet is Faulty

It’s also possible that your power outlet is faulty. Although rare, this can still happen. Before you begin working on it, make sure your circuit breaker is turned off. Once this precaution has been met, you’ll disconnect the old outlet and then replace it with a new one.

Many people find it intimidating to work on a faulty outlet, and that is okay! Rather than do something that makes you feel uncomfortable, you can contact an expert electrician to take care of it for you.

Professional Electrical Team in Fort Myers

Whenever you discover that a power outlet isn’t working, you can receive quick and professional assistance by reaching out to Mister Sparky. Contact our team today to take care of the problem!