Electricians in Fort Myers » Blog » Most Common Electrical Safety Hazards in Fort Myers Homes

Most Common Electrical Safety Hazards in Fort Myers Homes

Mister Sparky Electrician Tech, Alex, speaking with a homeowner at her kitchen tableYour home should be a place of refuge where you know that your family will be safe. Even if you have just a few electrical safety hazards present, your family will be in harm’s way.

Fortunately, many of these hazards are a quick fix and can be taken care of by Mister Sparky. Here are some of the most common electrical safety hazards in Fort Myers homes that you need to look out for.

Light Switches Or Outlets That Don’t Work

If some of your light switches or outlets don’t work, it can be caused by something as simple as them just needing to be replaced. In more serious cases, the wiring could be faulty. A licensed electrician can determine what’s causing the issue and get all of your light switches and outlets working properly once again.

An Uncovered Junction Box

A junction box cover keeps the wires on the inside from getting damaged. Not only is an uncovered junction box an eyesore, it’s also an electric hazard as well. In most instances, an electrician can replace the cover in just a couple of minutes.

Outdated Wiring

If your home is older, then there’s a good chance that you have outdated wiring. It’s not uncommon for homes that were built before 1980 to have aluminum wiring that is at risk for causing a fire. If this is the case, then you should have your wiring inspected by Mister Sparky so that any issues can be addressed before a disaster occurs.

The Wrong Lightbulbs

Have you seen just how many lightbulbs are available at your local home improvement store? You may find yourself inundated with so many options that you just grab the one that’s on sale. However, using a lightbulb with the wrong wattage is an electrical safety hazard. You should always use lightbulbs that are no more than the maximum wattage for the device. Luckily, you will find that most devices have a sticker on them that displays the maximum wattage information.

Malfunctioning Appliances

Appliances can be expensive, and many of us don’t want to replace them unless we have to. However, malfunctioning appliances can become an electrical hazard. This often occurs when their cords become damaged. Many homeowners try to fix the issue by putting electrical tape around the cord. Unfortunately, this can just make matters worse. You are better off replacing the appliance or having a professional install a new cord for you. The good news is that you may be able to prevent cord damage by keeping them out of reach of children and pets, only removing them from outlets by their plug instead of tugging on them, and not putting them near any sources of water or heat.

Power Strips That Are Overloaded

If you have limited outlets in a room, power strips may be a good option as long as you use them properly. Always plug power strips into outlets and never plug them into each other. Only plug one high-voltage device at a time into each power strip.

Unprotected Outlets

Little ones love to explore. This often means putting small objects into outlets. This can cause them to get shocked or burned. You can easily keep this from happening by putting covers over each outlet that you aren’t using. If you are looking for a solution that’s long term, consider having tamper-resistant outlets installed. They are a great solution for families that have a lot of young children or for households that tend to have a lot of children over.

An Old Or Inadequate Electrical Panel

Your electrical panel is a key component of the electrical system in your home. Because of this, it can do a lot of damage if it isn’t working properly. If you are noticing any of these issues, you should have it inspected:

  • Breakers that trip frequently
  • Flickering lights throughout your home
  • A burning smell that won’t go away
  • Rust on the cover

If your electrical panel is over 25 years old, you should go ahead and have it inspected in order to ensure that it’s still working properly and doesn’t need to be repaired or replaced.

Improper Extension Cord Use

Extension cords are a great way to have a power source when you don’t have an outlet nearby. What many homeowners don’t realize is they can be used improperly and cause an electrical hazard. Never use an extension cord that’s frayed. Be mindful of how long you use an extension cord for because they can heat up and cause a fire. Make sure you only use an extension cord that’s able to handle the power load of the device that you are using.

As you can see, there are a variety of different electrical safety hazards that can occur in a Fort Myers home. Many electrical issues may seem minor, but they can lead to major issues if they aren’t taken care of right away. If you have any electrical concerns that you think need to be addressed, give Mister Sparky a call today to schedule a thorough inspection.